All Things Unlearned
All Things Unlearned
004: Unlearning Perfectionism | Sandra Etherington
Episode Summary
This week, Cachet chats with Sandra Etherington about unlearning perfectionism, how it showed up for her, how she worked (and continues to work) through it to keep it at bay.
About Sandra Etherington
Sandra is a mom of a 4 year old and a 7 year old. She is the owner of Family Personalities and the co-host of the Family Personalities Podcast, a fun, insightful and sometimes cheesy podcast that uses personality type to help change the way you see your family. With a background in Mathematics and Big 4 Accounting, Sandra uses her talent for analysis and data, combined with her training and passion for Myers-Briggs personality type, to help families work together more effectively to raise their uniquely wired children to be the best versions of themselves that they can be.
Connect with Sandra on Facebook, Instagram and on the Family Personalities website.
- Family Personalities (podcast)
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Happy listening, and keep living, laughing and unlearning!